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The KlearNow’s blog page consists of an extensive and wide range collection of opinion pieces relevant to what’s happening in International Trade, authored by KlearNow.AI employees.

Impact of Poor Documentation Management Practices on Customs Clearance
By Amber Anderson

Customs clearance is a crucial step in international trade, ensuring that shipments comply with local regulations and safeguard a nation’s economic, health, and security interests. As we have explored in previous articles, international trade involves extensive and complex paperwork, making efficient documentation management a necessity for modern customs brokers and importers. As businesses navigate tariffs […]

CARM Compliance Made Easy with KlearNow
By Amber Anderson

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) system is a critical component of Canada’s import regulations. Designed to streamline the import process, CARM aims to improve compliance and enhance the overall efficiency of trade-related transactions. For importers, understanding CARM regulations is essential as they impact various aspects of business operations, including […]

How KlearNow Can Help Importers Comply with CARM Regulations
By Amber Anderson

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) system is a critical component of Canada’s import regulations. Designed to streamline the import process, CARM aims to improve compliance and enhance the overall efficiency of trade-related transactions. For importers, understanding CARM regulations is essential as they impact various aspects of business operations, including […]

How Does Document Visibility Help with Customs Clearance Compliance
By Amber Anderson

International trade involves a number of documents, which means collating, interpreting, analyzing, and updating massive amounts of data. Information requirements are vast and varied, as the numerous stakeholders in any export and import transaction need data for various internal and regulatory purposes. This information is available and shared in various forms, such as Excel spreadsheets, […]

Give Your Business a Competitive Edge With Customs Clearance Visibility
By Amber Anderson

Customs clearance visibility has thus far not received the focus that an activity of its criticality deserves. Due to this, most importers and customs brokers generally lack adequate visibility or transparency at the customs clearance stage, in terms of the accuracy or completeness of documentation or compliance with stipulated procedures. They are, therefore, unable to […]

Deploy Customs Clearance Visibility Platforms to Improve Customs Processes
By Amber Anderson

The logistics industry incorporates technology into its operations, making it better positioned to provide visibility during freight movement. The introduction of smart containers, RFID-equipped trucks, and rail wagons, along with the role of freight forwarders, has also created visibility during the inland transport legs. Importers and customs brokers typically enjoy visibility across the extended supply […]

Common Trade Challenges Due to Lack of Customs Clearance Visibility
By Amber Anderson

Customs clearance is a blind spot in supply chains. In a world where supply chain visibility is fast becoming the norm, with importers and customs brokers investing in solutions that provide visibility during the transportation process, stakeholders often lose visibility during the customs clearance process. Achieving complete supply chain visibility presents a big challenge, primarily […]

Top Trends in the Supply Chain and Logistics Industry in 2025
Top Trends in the Supply Chain and Logistics Industry in 2025
By Isa

2024 has been a mixed bag for the international trade and transportation industry, buffeted by shocks emanating from various geopolitical, policy, and economic factors. At KlearNow, we wrote a forecast of the trends that would materialize or accelerate in 2024, and looking back, it has been largely proven right. The industry continues to grapple with […]

How To Improve Documentation Management For Seamless Customs Clearance
By Isa

Customs clearance is mandatory for imports of all goods. It is essential for national security, ensuring compliance with trade regulations, and the accurate levying and collection of customs duties. To fulfill these responsibilities effectively, customs officials require comprehensive information about each import shipment, such as the exporter, importer, commodity details, components, origin, value, and other […]

What is CARM and How Does it Impact Your Business
What is CARM and How Does it Impact Your Business
By Isa

CARM stands for Canada Border Service Agency’s (CBSA) Assessment and Revenue Management. It is a digital initiative launched by CBSA to assess and collect duties and taxes that apply to goods imported into Canada.  CARM was launched with the purpose of simplifying the import process and providing a user-friendly Single Window system for importers, besides […]

Futurizing Global Supply Chains with Customs Clearance Software 
By Isa

As supply chains become more geographically dispersed and complex, major players therein, such as carriers, global freight forwarders, supply chain managers, and importers, are cognizant of the need to leverage technology to better manage the end-to-end transport process. Technology helps integrate various business processes within the supply chain, enhancing visibility, optimization, and competitiveness across different […]

Customs Clearance Software
How to Gain Quick Wins with Customs Clearance Software
By Sruthi Naveen

The customs clearance process has several complex systemic and procedural steps, making it time-consuming, manual, and at times cumbersome. Customs Authorities, like U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in the United States, play a crucial role in this process by implementing border protection measures. CBP is responsible for safeguarding national interests, collecting applicable duties, and […]

Overcoming Customs Clearance Challenges with Cutting-Edge Software
By Sruthi Naveen

Customs clearance is an integral part of the import and export process and is essentially a means to safeguard the country’s security, national interests, and revenue. Regulatory compliance plays a crucial role in ensuring that customs services are efficient and meet all legal requirements.  The objective of customs clearance is to detect contraband and prevent […]

The Future of Customs Clearance is Digital: Get a HeadStart Now
The Future of Customs Clearance is Digital: Get a HeadStart Now
By Sruthi Naveen

Exporters and importers have been using technology to optimize their supply chains for many years now. Manufacturers catering to international markets use supply chain planning software for forecasting demand and managing inventory and transportation. Likewise, retailers and importers who source from overseas suppliers rely on logtech solutions to plan the movement of goods and inventory, […]

Customs broker using technology
How Customs Brokers Can Leverage Technology to Differentiate Themselves
By Sruthi Naveen

The importance of customs clearance has grown manifold as the volume of internationally traded goods has increased over the past few decades. To deal with the greater volume of work involved, customs departments have laid down stringent processes and standardized documentary requirements, which are intended to safeguard national interests and security. U.S. Customs and Border […]

Containers stuck at port
Port Strikes: Another Bullwhip in Navigating Global Trade
By Sruthi Naveen

By staying informed and leveraging advanced technology, trade compliance managers can navigate the uncertainties of global trade with greater confidence and efficiency The overnight ILA port strike has once again underscored the vulnerabilities within our global supply chains. In June 2023, a single day of closures led to a three-week recovery period for West Coast […]

Customs Clearance Software
How to Choose the Best Customs Clearance Software for Your Business
By Sruthi Naveen

Metrics to determine the best Customs Clearance Software for your Business Customs clearance is the activity of clearing merchandise for export or import internationally, which is a critical component of the global supply chain. The activity involves complying with all the applicable customs procedures and regulations, after which the goods are cleared for export or […]

AI in Supply Chain Management
Don’t Get Left Behind: Embracing Artificial Intelligence In Supply Chain Management
By Sruthi Naveen

Disruptions are now commonplace events and have impacted supply chains with increasing frequency since the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to geopolitical and economic factors that affect global trade, importers and freight forwarders also have to deal with challenges like energy shortages, labor costs, geopolitical crises, and uncertain weather conditions. All these factors exert inflationary pressure […]

Ai generated image of supply chain
Hoe AI logistieke processen 10x sneller kan maken
By Kelsey Cruz

Supply chains zijn internationaler en complexer geworden. Het feit dat er meerdere partijen bij betrokken zijn, maakt het soms nog ingewikkelder. De toenemende digitalisering heeft er voor gezorgd dat er meer en beter inzicht is in wat er zich in een supply chain afspeelt, maar dan is het wel belangrijk dat alle data correct en […]

Customs Authority Filling out paperwork ISF
Importer Security Filing (ISF): Challenges and tips to streamline the ISF process
By Kelsey Cruz

Importance and Relevance of ISF As explained in our previous blog, the Importer Security Filing (ISF) is an important piece of legislation that enables the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to detect high-risk cargo in advance based on analysis of the information submitted by importers or their agents, such as a licensed customs broker. […]

Custom inspection process, medium shot of officers meticulously checking imported goods
Importer Security Filing (ISF): Concept, Benefits, and Best Practices
By Kelsey Cruz

Understanding the Background Countries across the globe today face elevated levels of risks, in the form of various threats to national and economic security. These risks emanate from the actions of countries damaging to a country or groups engaged in illegal or subversive activities. It is not inconceivable that such hostile entities could attempt to […]

Close-up of a man's hands typing on a laptop keyboard, with a stack of paperwork beside them
The Advantages of Intelligent Document Processing Within Customs Operations
By Kelsey Cruz

Role of Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders in International Trade The exponential rise in global trade has been accompanied by trade imbalances and lopsided Balance of Payments for certain countries. Various countries have started imposing trade restrictions through tariff and non-tariff barriers to redress these challenges and respond to geopolitical pressures. As a consequence of […]

Container cargo freight train showcases a worldwide business logistics concept, merging air cargo, rail, and sea shipping
Futurizing Logistics: The Power of AI and Machine Learning in Customs Clearance
By Kelsey Cruz

The crucial role of data in Supply Chain and Logistics The supply chain and logistics industry generates vast amounts of data, capturing every detail of a shipment, especially during customs clearance. This encompasses descriptions of the commodity, shipper and consignee’s financial and operational specifics, commercial and pricing information, and transportation details. It also includes data […]

business report paper or piles of unfinished documents achieves with clips on offices Business concept
Navigating Customs Clearance: Hindrances to Business Growth in Supply Chain Logistics
By Kelsey Cruz

Rapid Globalization and growing Trade Documentation requirements Global trade has grown exponentially since 1995, when the WTO was established. As of 2022, international trade volumes had experienced an average growth of 4%, while the average value of goods traded had expanded even faster, at 6%. During this period, international trade helped revitalize the global economy […]

DMS document Management System, Businessman pointing folder icon to use technology software for management document, professional, digital, Smart office paperless, Electronic document, Cloud service.
Prioritizing Accuracy, Speed and Scalability Through Intelligent Document Processing
By Kelsey Cruz

ROLE OF DOCUMENTATION IN NAVIGATING INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAWS AND SHIPPING OPERATIONS The international shipments involve extensive documentation. Given the variety of goods exported, the diverse scope of activities that comprise end-to-end logistics, and the multiple jurisdictions involved, the amount of paperwork can be overwhelming. Trade documentation involves collating data from various entities, interpreting and compiling […]

Digital Transformation
AI’s role in the digital transformation of BCOs and Freight forwarders
By Kelsey Cruz

Growing role of AI in the International Logistics and Supply Chain industry The adoption of technology in the supply chain and logistics industry has gained momentum in recent years. While the broader supply chain and transportation sectors have traditionally relied on manual processes and paper-based documentation, a growing number of players are leveraging AI-powered technological […]

supply chain trends, nearshoring, diversification, environmental, logtech
Top five trends defining the supply chain industry in 2024
By Kelsey Cruz

Uncertain outlook for the logistics industry As we exit a tumultuous 2023, where the logistics and shipping industry witnessed a reversal to normalcy and freight rates dropped from record highs to pre-pandemic levels, importers and freight forwarders are hoping that the new year will bring some much-needed stability in the freight market. With the outlook […]

Cloud based platform on computer
Boost Customs Clearance Resilience with cloud-based platforms
By Kelsey Cruz

Customs clearance is integral to any international movement of goods, implying that all goods and merchandise exported are subject to some form of customs process. In the US alone, goods worth an estimated $3.35 trillion were imported in 2022, on which duties of $111.8 billion were collected. Given the criticality of the customs process, these […]

AI generated people standing in warehouse
Using Generative AI to Streamline Customs Clearance
By Kelsey Cruz

International trade’s growth in the past two decades, driven by factors like production outsourcing and enhanced global connections, faces challenges in customs clearance processes, which are addressed by generative AI solutions such as KlearNow, streamlining workflows and ensuring accuracy.

Transportation and logistic network distribution
Simplifying Customs Clearance with KlearNow
By Kelsey Cruz

Introduction The customs clearance process can be complicated and fraught with risks and challenges. Considering that all goods and products that are internationally transported have to go through customs in both the exporting and the importing countries, it is evident that Customs departments worldwide have to scrutinize a very high number of documents, besides conducting […]

futuristic freight truck, drayage industry
Drayage industry: Current status and future trends
By Kelsey Cruz

The drayage industry has historically been characterized by high levels of complexity, posing challenges for both drayage operators and their customers. The complexity arises from the fragmented nature of the industry and the relative lack of standardization in terms of processes and commercial policies, which are compounded by the loose framework within which the industry […]

Night view of the large container ship in the container port. Tracking of loading and delivery. Logistics solutions in the future.
Logistics Technology Product Failures: Avoid Common Mistakes
By Kelsey Cruz

Modern supply chain management is greatly intertwined with technology, and logistics operations are no exception. The logistics technology market has grown rapidly over the past few years, with a massive spurt in the number of software solutions available in the market. What has traditionally been a brick-and-mortar industry is now rapidly embracing digitization, partly out […]

Data cloud points
Importance of data security for customs brokers
By Kelsey Cruz

Customs brokers are an important link in the supply chain and act as liaisons between the importers, exporters and the Government and Customs Authorities. Since they undertake the responsibility of submitting the stipulated documents and information to Customs and ensuring clearance of imported goods, they are in possession of all the trade and commercial information […]

AES cloud computing security technology transfer database
Lecciones de migración AES de un agente de aduanas digital
By Kelsey Cruz

El panorama del comercio internacional está evolucionando, lo que requiere medidas sólidas de seguridad de datos. La migración del Estándar de Cifrado de Datos (DES) al Estándar de Cifrado Avanzado (AES) simboliza este cambio crucial en la protección de datos. Para los agentes de aduanas digitales, la transición a AES no se trata solo de […]

Customs clearance service provider
Understanding the Benefits of Using a Customs Clearance Service Provider
By Kelsey Cruz

Increased global trade has complicated customs clearance processes, necessitating the use of professional customs clearance service providers and technology like AI and ML to streamline and automate these activities, as demonstrated by platforms like KlearNow.AI.

Common Challenges in Drayage Operations and Ways to Solve Them
By Kelsey Cruz

Drayage, is a vital link in international transport, facing challenges like delays, equipment shortages, and rising costs; technology solutions, offer real-time visibility and optimization to streamline this crucial process.

Steering Through International Trade Waters: A Thorough Exploration of Customs Clearance Procedures
By Kelsey Cruz

Customs clearance , involves meticulous adherence to international laws, with platforms like KlearNow.AI leveraging technology to streamline, enhance security, and ensure compliance in the process.

Unlocking efficiencies Guide to customs clearance
Unlocking Efficiency in Global Trade: A Comprehensive Guide to Customs Clearance Services
By Kelsey Cruz

In the complex world of international trade, customs clearance is a critical component that requires attention to detail, adherence to regulations, and a deep understanding of global rules and commerce. Various services and technologies have emerged to address these complexities, with AI and automation taking center stage. In this context, customs clearance services are evolving, […]

Digital checklist, document process on screen with laptop
How AI-based Data Ingestion can Improve Compliance in Customs Document Processing
By Kelsey Cruz

The customs clearance process has traditionally relied extensively on customs document processing, apart from random physical checks of consignments.

images of digital truck
Drayage and its significance in international trade and transport 
By Kelsey Cruz

In this article, we will explore what drayage means, and its significance, and delve into the characteristics of the North American drayage market.

Optimizing Supply Chain and Logistics in the Chemicals Sector with KlearNow
By Kelsey Cruz

The chemicals sector is a diverse and expansive industry, critical to many other sectors, which face intricate supply chain and logistical challenges, such as geographical spread, temperature control, and environmental concerns.

Driving Success: How KlearNow Empowers the Perishables Sector
By Kelsey Cruz

The perishables sector, characterized by time-sensitive commodities, faces significant logistical challenges, including limited shelf life and supply chain disruptions, emphasizing the need for solutions like KlearNow’s AI-powered platform to streamline customs clearance and ensure real-time visibility of cargo status.

How Generative AI is Revolutionizing Customs Clearance: A Solution Driven by Synthetic Data and Predictive Modeling
By Kelsey Cruz

The growth of international trade emphasizes the importance of efficient customs clearance, where challenges like diverse document formats and compliance risks necessitate the use of technological solutions like KlearNow’s AI-powered platform to streamline and automate the process.

People in customs reinforcing learning
How reinforcement learning is helping streamline Customs Clearance
By Kelsey Cruz

Amid the complexities of global trade and customs processes, KlearNow’s AI-powered platform leverages reinforcement learning to optimize customs clearance, enhancing efficiency and compliance for importers and forwarders.

The Aerospace Sector: A Thriving Industry with Promising Growth
By Kelsey Cruz

KlearNow’s AI-powered platform offers aerospace companies streamlined customs and logistics workflows, real-time visibility, and efficiency enhancements, positioning them effectively in a rapidly evolving and complex international trade environment.

Automotive assembly line
How KlearNow.AI can facilitate the Automotive sector’s international logistics
By Kelsey Cruz

The automotive industry is part of the consumer discretionary sector and includes the production of both passenger and commercial vehicles, as well as auto components. Demand in the automotive sector can be separated into two categories: direct and derived. Direct demand represents finished vehicles, while derived demand is the demand for auto components that is […]

Transforming trade management through AI-powered Customs clearance
By Kelsey Cruz

In today’s interconnected world, global trade plays a vital role in the success of businesses around the globe. However, managing international trade operations can be a complex and daunting task involving various stages such as order management, logistics, and settlement activities. To navigate this intricate landscape and achieve operational excellence, companies are increasingly turning to […]

Retail operations
Futureproof with KlearNow AI To Facilitate Seamless and Transparent Consumer Retail Operations
By Kelsey Cruz

Consumer retail is one of the biggest and fastest-growing segments worldwide. The rapid growth of consumerism and increasing disposable income levels has given rise to a consumer class with distinct preferences and a higher propensity for discretionary spending. The global retail market generated sales of over $26 trillion in 2021 and is forecast to reach […]

Stay ahead of the game: How KlearNow AI enhances Food & Beverage logistics
By Kelsey Cruz

Overview of the Food and Beverages Sector The food and beverages sector has grown exponentially over the years, driven by growing consumerist tendencies and a post pandemic move back to spending on outside entertainment and services. With growing transport connectivity and decreasing unit slot costs, transporting consumables internationally is becoming more and more viable, resulting […]

Pursuing Industry 4.0 as a strategy to build an efficient (and resilient) logistics business
By Kelsey Cruz

Amid the aftermath of the pandemic, supply chains are gradually recovering and adapting. The pandemic highlighted the pivotal role of logistics in sustaining business operations. Industry stakeholders struggled with unprecedented challenges, pushing supply chain managers, accustomed to routine procedures, to recognize the far-reaching consequences of their decisions in maintaining business health during volatile times. This […]

‘Generational change’ to customs broker regulations for US imports aims to improve compliance
By Isa

The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has implemented a major regulatory change to how customs brokers conduct their business — in a reform that they believe will help modernize the current environment. The changes came into effect on December 19, 2022, placing the onus of working with a customs broker on the importer, taking […]

KlearNow Customs Compliance
‘Generational change’ to customs broker regulations for US imports aims to improve compliance
By Isa

The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has implemented a major regulatory change to how customs brokers conduct their business — in a reform that they believe will help modernize the current environment. The changes came into effect on December 19, 2022, placing the onus of working with a customs broker on the importer, taking […]

Datos de acarreo para importadores
By @devadmin

¿Qué datos fundamentales de acarreo necesitan los importadores? Travis Register, Gerente de desarrollo de socios de transporte en KlearNow, enfatiza la importancia de la visibilidad de extremo a extremo y comparte cómo los importadores pueden lograrla.

Visibilidad para proveedores de acarreo
By @devadmin

¿Cuál es un desafío clave para las empresas de acarreo y cómo lo resuelve el mercado de acarreo de KlearNow? Travis Register, gerente de desarrollo de socios de acarreo en KlearNow, analiza cómo KlearNow.AI proporciona una mayor visibilidad con ETA de volumen realista para apoyar a los proveedores de acarreo.

En el saber – Número 4
By @devadmin

Hola cliente, ¿Te falta la actualización de KlearNow? ¿Estás experimentando un FOMO importante? No te preocupes. Nosotras te tenemos Resumen de 10 segundos Nos expandimos a España, el Reino Unido podría-debería legalizar la transferencia electrónica de documentos comerciales, nuestra propia Angela Aaron explica lo que eso significa,y la festividad más grande e importante del año […]

Logistics. International shipping. A man on the road accompanies the cargo for last mile delivery
Cómo la tecnología está cambiando la última milla
By @devadmin

Los conductores y transportistas de última milla se esfuerzan por encontrar una solución digital en nuestro mundo posterior a la pandemia debido a los efectos catapultadores del comercio electrónico. Y no hay final a la vista. Las personas que trabajan en el sector de la logística de última milla tienen demasiadas opciones para simplificar y […]

Huge semi-truck crossing the United states on an empty road
EVITADO: Un posible efecto dominó en la cadena de suministro de California
By @devadmin

Buenas noticias para la industria de camiones de Golden State La ultima Los camioneros independientes de California respiran aliviados después de un verano lleno de protestas AB5 en los puertos del Estado Dorado. Una corte de apelaciones inferior revocó la orden judicial para seguir la palabrería del proyecto de ley después de que la Corte […]

Roller door or roller shutter, concrete floor in industrial building, empty warehouse
Di adiós a los productos “agotados”
By @devadmin

Companies and customers loathe the stockout/out-of-stock message. When items are called stockout (unavailable), businesses lose billions from customers losing trust. Suppose companies gain real-time visibility to control inventory, inform customers, and deliver products on time. In that case, they can avoid any stockout and keep shoppers smiling. The Customer A stockout happens when an item […]

Cardboard box packages on trolley. Logistics and distribution service
By @devadmin

Los principales importadores minoristas deben calcular sus próximos movimientos de ajedrez. En lugar de mantenerse al día con las tendencias del mercado, deben evaluar y priorizar qué carga es más importante para que, cuando esté en sus estantes, no esté acumulando polvo. Un artículo reciente de Freight Waves afirma que el Black Friday está sucediendo […]

Mantenimiento de registros electrónicos
By @devadmin

Angela Aaron, directora sénior de Cumplimiento de KlearNow, comparte cómo una solución de logística inteligente como servicio simplifica drásticamente el mantenimiento de registros electrónicos para un importador. Smart LaaS no solo digitaliza todos los documentos, sino que brinda una experiencia consistente de una manera fácil de buscar, fácil de usar e intuitiva, todo en una […]

Electronic record keeping
By @devadmin

Angela Aaron, KlearNow’s Senior Director of Compliance shares how a Smart Logistic as a Service solution drastically simplifies electronic record-keeping for an importer. Smart LaaS not only digitizes all documents but provides a consistent experience in an easy-to-search, easy-to-use, intuitive way, all in one platform. Electronic Record-Keeping frees up your filing cabinet and office space […]

Supply Chain Management
Logística inteligente como servicio: visibilidad, tecnología y despacho de aduanas
By @devadmin

La “simplicidad de la cadena de suministro” suena como una utopía, ¿no es así? Y, como una utopía, suena fuera de alcance en 2022. Pero la simplicidad de la cadena de suministro ya está aquí. La logística inteligente como servicio, o Smart LaaS, puede aliviar los problemas de su cadena de suministro y puede comenzar […]

Supply Chain Management
Smart Logistics as a Service: Visibility, Technology, and Customs Clearance
By @devadmin

“Supply chain simplicity” sounds like a utopia, doesn’t it? And, like a utopia, it sounds out of reach in 2022. But supply chain simplicity is already here. Smart logistics as a service, or Smart LaaS, can ease your supply chain struggles, and it can start today. Simplicity and visibility “Visibility” is a buzzword in the […]

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Smart LaaS for Trade Compliance
By @devadmin

Watch Angela Aaron, Senior Director of Compliance at KlearNow.AI, as she discusses the power of secure data visibility, real-time data sharing, and AI technology in simplifying trade compliance for heavily regulated goods.

5 consejos para el éxito de los importadores en el manejo de fianzas aduaneras
By @devadmin

¿Sabía que los importadores estadounidenses están obligados a obtener una fianza aduanera por cada envío con un valor de $2500 o más, incluso si los productos importados están libres de impuestos? Si bien el concepto de una fianza aduanera puede parecer complicado, en realidad es bastante sencillo. Una fianza aduanera, o fianza del importador, es […]

5 Tips for Importers’ Success in Dealing with Customs Bonds
By @devadmin

Did you know that US importers are required to obtain a customs bond for every shipment with a value of $2500 or more, even if the imported goods are duty-free? While the concept of a customs bond might seem complicated, it is actually pretty straightforward. A customs bond, or an importer’s bond, is a binding […]

La crisis aduanera del Brexit: se revelan los temores sobre la salud mental
By @devadmin

Un estudio de 1.177 trabajadores del Reino Unido descubrió que la mayoría de los adultos del Reino Unido están preocupados por el impacto del Brexit en la salud mental de los trabajadores del sector de viajes y transporte de primera línea. El 17 % de los trabajadores de esos sectores espera que su trabajo se […]

Brexit’s customs crunch – mental health fears revealed
By @devadmin

A study of 1,177 UK workers has found that the majority of UK adults are worried about the impact of Brexit on the mental health of frontline transport and travel sector workers. 17% of workers in those sectors expect their jobs to become significantly more difficult and 22% of them are concerned about the mental […]

Del TLCAN al T-MEC: ¿qué cambió?
By @devadmin

El 1 de julio de 2020 entró en vigor el Acuerdo Estados Unidos-México-Canadá (USMCA), un nuevo acuerdo comercial entre los tres países. Este acuerdo reemplazó efectivamente al Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN) existente desde 1994 y tenía como objetivo eliminar las barreras comerciales arancelarias y no arancelarias entre los Estados Unidos, […]

From NAFTA to USMCA: what changed?
By @devadmin

On July 1, 2020, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), a new trade deal between the three countries, entered into force. This agreement effectively replaced the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) existing since 1994 and aimed at eliminating tariff and non-tariff trade barriers between the United States, Canada and Mexico. While both international treaties sought […]

By @devadmin

Para ayudar a combatir el COVID 19, en KlearNow.AI queremos ayudar a nuestra comunidad y a la Cruz Roja. Al ofrecer despacho de aduana gratuito para organizaciones sin fines de lucro que importen suministros médicos en el segundo trimestre, un 50 % de descuento para nuevos clientes y otorgar el 10 % de los ingresos […]

¿La industria del despacho de aduanas se debe a la transformación digital?
By @devadmin

Estamos viviendo tiempos nunca antes vistos en medio de la crisis del COVID-19. Aunque esperanzado por el impacto de refugiarse en el lugar y los esfuerzos de la comunidad médica y de investigación para combatir el virus, está claro que el impacto tanto en la humanidad como en la economía global será a largo plazo. […]

Customs Brokerage Industry due for Digital Transformation?
By @devadmin

In the midst of the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, the global economy is undergoing a long-term transformation. Industries are adapting to new demands, and digital transformation is now a necessity, not an option. KlearNow.AI helps you streamline customs brokerage with our free digital platform, simplifying customs clearance, ensuring import visibility, and saving you time and money. […]

Impacto del coronavirus en el comercio internacional: pensando en el futuro
By @devadmin

País por país desde Italia hasta los Estados Unidos, todos los días hay nuevos informes de aumento de infecciones, prohibiciones de viaje y comercio suspendido indefinidamente. Además, muchos dependen en gran medida de los bienes exportados. del mercado chino, y con las crecientes preocupaciones por el virus que colocan múltiples fábricas en virtual paralización, ¿qué […]

Corona Virus Impact on International Trade: Thinking Ahead
By @devadmin

Country by country from Italy to the US, everyday there are new reports of widening infections, travel bans and trade being on indefinite hold.  In addition, many depend greatly on exported goods from the Chinese market, and with the escalating corona virus concerns placing multiple factories on virtual standstill, what does this mean for international […]

Conclusiones clave del aviso del Registro Federal 301
By @devadmin

Estamos a solo unos días de febrero, y ya han sucedido muchas cosas en el mundo del comercio internacional. En esta primera publicación, queríamos comenzar con los desarrollos recientes en los acuerdos comerciales entre EE. UU. y China y cómo esto afecta las importaciones que ingresan a EE. UU. ¡Parece que el gobierno de los […]

Key Takeaways from 301 Federal Register notice
By @devadmin

We are only a few days into February, and already so much has happened in the world of international trade. In this first post we wanted to start with recent developments in the US and China trade agreements and how this affects imports coming into the US. Seems that the US Government has decided to […]

Brexit, ¿y ahora qué? Cómo preparar su plan comercial
By @devadmin

El comercio internacional ha demostrado evolucionar muy rápidamente y cambiar rápidamente con las fluctuaciones en el entorno político. De particular interés es el Reino Unido, donde la saga del Brexit se ha resuelto recientemente y ha sido aprobada por la UE. Como resultado, el Reino Unido abandonó la UE el 31 de enero de 2020, […]

Brexit, now what? How to prepare your trade plan
By @devadmin

International Trade has proven to evolve very quickly and change rapidly with fluctuations in the political environment. Of particular interest is in the United Kingdom, where the Brexit saga has been recently resolved and been approved by the EU. In result the UK has left the EU on January 31st 2020, but will be in […]

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